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Member List

network of people

PeerWorks Members

Below is a list of PeerWorks’s membership, including their contact information and a brief and by no means extensive description of what they have to offer. We encourage you to contact them directly to learn more.

We are in the process of updating our membership list onto the website, so some groups may be missing from this list for now. Please check back regularly to see updated membership information.

Canadian Mental Health Associate North Bay and District

We are an integrated Adult Mental Health, Addiction's and Peer Support organization.

Canadian Mental Health Associate North Bay and District Peer Support Services

Peer Support Services works to ensure that our members' voices are heard by those who influence change, and to provide participants with information about the range of available community services and how to access these. Our services include: peer support, life skills, education, awareness, and social and recreational programs. Some highlights of these programs are: Empowering Yourself, Journaling, Coping Skills, Anxiety & Depression Support Group, Computer Fundamentals, Peer-led Cognitive Behavioural Therapy Peer Support Group, Arts and Craft, Painting and Colouring group, Therapy Dog, exercise equipment and fitness classes. Series of virtual programs are being offered every day via zoom.

Canadian Mental Health Organization Muskoka- Parry Sound

Canadian Mental Health Association, Muskoka-Parry Sound Branch is committed to hope and recovery through integrated mental health and addiction services. Using effective, innovative partnerships and practices, we provide the highest quality treatment, support, education and advocacy for the people of Muskoka-Parry Sound.

The CMHA Muskoka Parry-Sound Branch offers a number of programs and services- please visit for detail of services we provide within the Muskoka Parry-Sound District.

CMHA Fort Frances Branch, District Peer Support Program

Drop in Centres
Individual Outreach
Family Support
Forensic Peer Support
Groups (Virtual and Face to Face)
Activities in the community
Advocacy, systemic and individual
Daily support on the Schedule 1
Weekly support at the recovery homes
Access to a safe & accessible shower, laundry facilities, computer, internet, kitchen (all at no cost)
Meal Programs

Council of Consumer/Survivor and Family Initiatives Program (C.O.I.)

C.O.I. currently through the pandemic has been providing one on one/ virtual services to individuals we support within the community.

C.O.I provides advocacy, navigation of services, goal setting, life skills and social support.

Prior to Covid 19 C.O.I. provided groups within the Muskoka Parry Sound district which focused on personal wellness, regaining basic life skills, reintegration within the community, social support, hope, recovery based programming and education.

C.O.I. currently has a Peer Road to Recovery home within the Parry Sound district which is supported by peer staff

Lived Experience & Recovery Network (LERN)

LERN is a networking body that links, supports and educates all consumer & family peer run initiatives in the North East of Ontario. Our mission is to empower peer communities towards wellness and recovery.

NFN TrueSelf Debwewendizwin Program

True Self – Debwewendizwin strives to promote the safety, self-sufficiency and well-being of individuals that have suffered trauma and abuse. Delivered by Nipissing First Nation and its community partners, True Self uses a wholistic approach to healing, employment and training supports, working to support individuals and their families living in the Nipissing District to “debwewendizwin”— “reconnect with your true self, your spirit fire.”
To accomplish its goals, True Self provides a warm and welcoming setting and offers a range of flexible supports, from workshops and talking circles to one-on-one support. Together, these supports provide individuals with the tools and knowledge needed to reduce their vulnerability to poverty and abuse, including gender-based violence, ultimately breaking the cycle for themselves and their children, and leading to holistic mental wellness. The program encourages participants in their pursuit of education, training and employment, on their journey to economic autonomy.
Merging an Indigenous world view, Healing Centered Engagement and Peer Support Values has led to the success of the True Self Debwewendizwin Program. Some of the oldest methodologies that equate to Peer Support come from our Indigenous people in the form of talking circles and sweat lodges. This model incorporates that understanding of wholistic healing and the power of peer support well recognizing the importance of individual differences and meeting participants where they are at and making the program fit their needs rather then trying to make them fit a pre-set program criteria.
• One on One (currently available on phone and through TEAMS or Zoom)
• Women’s talking/healing circle weekly
• Co-dependency Group weekly
• Men’s talking/healing circle weekly
• ABC’s to Heal Your Life Workshop is a culturally based, psychosocial behaviour modification program that focuses on essential soft skills as we encourage participants to acknowledge their past, believe they can take responsibility for their lives and create the life they dream of having.
• Women’s healing workshops online. The Healing Workshop Series is a modified version of our ABC’s to Heal Your Life Workshop.
• WRAP offered periodically throughout the year.
• ODSP Employment Support Service Provider - True Self provides a myriad of services to persons with disabilities seeking employment.
• Needs Determination / Assessment
• In-House Employment Specific Workshops
• Referrals and Assistance in Accessing Community Resources
• Development and Implementation of a Return to Work / Training Action Plan
• Connecting Individuals with Potential Employers
• Supporting successful employment maintenance and stability
• A One Year Follow-Up with Individuals and Employers
• North Bay street outreach several times a week
• Mobile community street outreach in the following locations:
• Eldee and Redbridge in a bi-weekly basis (every other week)
• Mattawa, Bonfield and Rutherglenn on a weekly basis
• Sturgeon Falls on a weekly basis
• Workshops facilitated for community partners as requested on a large range of topics including but not limited to:
o Defining Domestic Violence
o Great Attitude…Great Future
o Lateral Violence
o Healing Through Forgiveness
o Financial Literacy
o Practicing Cultural Humility - Steppingstones to Cultural Safety
• Facilitate Men’s weekly workshops in the North Bay Jail to support men transitioning back to community
• Facilitate Women’s monthly workshops in the North Bay Jail to support women transitioning back to community
• Provide reintegration and recovery supports in 1:1 and/or group peer support.
• Establish rapport, trust and mutual understanding with individuals based on shared lived experience;
• Explore with the individual their recovery goals and identify ways to help them feel more connected with supports;
• Share with the individual, experiences related to the theme, emphasize an educational component and/or provide creative experiences that foster healing and recovery

NISA/Northern Initiative for Social Action

NISA/Northern Initiative for Social Action is an organization run by and for consumers of mental health services. We develop occupational skills, nurture self-confidence and provide resources for recovery by creating opportunities for participants to contribute to their own well-being and that of their community. All staff, volunteers and members are people with lived experience of mental health challenges/illness. We are a member-driven initiative, offering meaningful and useful programs, providing a setting for active social recovery rather than passive dependence on community services. Our involvement at NISA allows us to liberate ourselves from the stigma and discrimination we often face as a result of our mental health diagnoses.

Being, belonging, becoming, for all mental health consumers.

Outloud North Bay

OUTLoud North Bay supports the health and wellbeing of the 2SLGBTQA+ youth and allies of North Bay and surrounding communities, through workshops, professional services, collaborations, and a safe space.

People Advocating for Change Through Empowerment Inc.

We are a Consumer Survivor Initiative AKA “CSI” , meaning we are different from traditional Mental Health and Addiction Services. PACE is run by and for people with lived experience of a mental health issue or addiction issues; in a non clinical, drop-in, social environment. We provide a wide range of services and activities in the community.
Our organization works closely with local mental health system tables to bring the consumer voice to service planning, evaluation, and coordination, and provide direct informal or formal peer support and self-advocacy support to individuals. Our services are centered on Education, Advocacy, Peer Support, Social Inclusion, Personal Empowerment and connecting people with other services in the community.
Use of computers, TV, Stereo, DVD and videos, members’ phone and free use of PACE washer/dryer, and showers
 Quarterly Newsletter Regularly Updated job postings and rental listings

St Joseph's Care Group Peer Connections Program

To offer emotional, social, and informational support to people who share similar experiences and challenges with Mental Health, Chronic Pain, Addictions or Concurrent Disorders. Assisting individuals to find a healthy balance in their recovery and to create meaningful connections.

With a PSR focus and best practices in peer support we offer a wide variety of supports from socialization to structured information sessions for our members. Providing one on one as well as group peer support to our members across the city and the region.

We work in collaboration with our community partners to connect our members to the resources best suited to their needs with dignity of risk and self directed decision making being the basis for all services and resources provided.

  • 19-125 Syndicate Ave S
    Thunder Bay, ON P7E 6H8
  • 807-624-3400 ext 3363

Choices for Change

Choices for Change offers Peer Support Outreach to youth and adults with their journey of recovery and wellness, navigating the mental health, addiction, health care, and housing systems. In Stratford, community members are invited to access the Peer Support Community Centre, which offers a variety of groups and drop-in peer support services for both youth and adults. Staff and volunteers within this program have their own lived experiences with mental health and addiction recovery, and offer supportive listening and facilitation in connecting to other resources as needed.

CMHA Grey Bruce Peer Support

we offer individual and group peer support including WRAP Psych-Social and educational presentations and resources
Peer support
Family Support
Recovery College
Resource Library
Hospital based Peer Support

Community Addiction and Mental Health Services of Haldimand and Norfolk (CAMHS)

CAMHS is an ambulatory mental health and addiction (MHA) service and part of the regional psychiatric service. CAMHS offers clinical assessment and treatment of mental health issues for adults 16 years and over, addiction assessment and treatment for all ages, MHA crisis services including a 24/7 crisis line and emergency department psychiatric assessment in three non-Schedule 1 hospitals, and the MHA Peer Support Program. We have peer employees in the Peer Support Program and in our Addiction Mobile Outreach Team (AMOT), as well as an employee embedded in a partner agency serving individuals occupying the crisis stabilization beds. CAMHS has opportunities for our peer support worker staff to co-lead groups with our MHA clinicians/counselors. The Peer Support Program is responsible for running psychoeducational groups in our peer support day program and in communities across the two counties.

  • 101 Nanticoke Creek Parkway
    Townsend, ON N0A 1S0
  • 519-410-2025
  • 1-877-909-4357

CONNECT for Mental Health

Peer Support information
WRAP groups
Peer Support Groups

Consumer/Survivor Initiative of Niagara

The Consumer/Survivor Initiative of Niagara (CSI) is a consumer/survivor-driven organization motivated by the belief that self-help groups can improve people's potential, increase their self-esteem, and inspire them to self-advocacy. We are an alternative community support organization available throughout the Niagara Region that focuses on the empowerment of its membership. Our self-help groups believe strongly in the value of the sharing of personal experiences with other group members. The model of service is peer support.

Grenfell Ministries

Grenfell Ministries is a peer run, peer led organization that has programs for housing, support and advocacy for people who use drugs, people with lived experience and those who are experiencing mental health strain.

H.O.P.E. ( Helping Ourselves through Peer Support & Employment)

After- hours Drop in program
Mood Walks
Lunch & Learn Sessions
We Care program
Recovery Breakfast
Fundraising Events

Lambton Mental Wellness Centre

Providing Mental Health Peer Support for individuals and Family members/caregivers since 1997. A system of giving and receiving help founded on key principles of respect shared responsibility and mutual agreement of what is helpful. It is about understanding another persons’ situation empathically through shared and lived experience with mental health challenges. When people find affiliation with others they feel are like, they feel a connection. This connection is a deep understanding based on mutual experiences when people are able to just “be” with each other. Lambton Mental Wellness Centre provides a safe, non-judgmental accepting space to extend encouragement and hope that recovery is possible.

Meet and sustain the mental health needs for all of Sarnia/Lambton through education, social recreation, peer support and partnering with other local agencies and health care professionals ensuring mentally healthy people in a healthy society.

Nurture mental wellness and support individuals with lived experience as well as their family members, caregivers, and friends.

Advocacy/Social Justice: We are committed to removing barriers and discrimination that impact the quality of life, and supporting equitable access to resources so that people can fully participate in society.

Self-Determination: We support individuals’ rights to make decisions that affect their lives.
Integrity: We value honesty, confidentiality, and ethical behaviour.

Inclusion & Collaboration: We are committed to working with our community to achieve responsive and accessible services for all.

Excellence & Accountability: We are committed to using our resources efficiently and effectively to ensure the highest possible standards of governance and services.

Mental Health Network of Chatham-Kent

The Mental Health Network of Chatham-Kent (formally Chatham-Kent Consumer and Family Network) began in 1996 as a group of family members who loved someone living with schizophrenia. Our goal was to provide support and education to families facing similar experiences. In 2006, we became an incorporated, non-profit charitable organization.
The Ministry of Health and Long Term Care then asked us to take on a consumer component offering therapeutic recreation, support groups, public education, peer support, systemic advocacy, referrals and educational classes. We now also offer daily health and wellness groups. Most of our funding comes from the Ministry of Health and Long Term Care. We augment our funding with fundraisers, grants and donations.
Recreational and Leisure opportunities are offered daily at the Mental Health Network to help improve physical and mental health. We offer a variety of Recreational and Leisure opportunities, individually and in group settings, in both indoor and outdoor environments.
We offer peer support, which is a coping tool based on sharing a mutually supportive relationship with someone who understands what you are going through and how you are feeling. Mental Health Network offers peer support formally (sharing one-to-one) and informally in group settings with the opportunity to socialize with people who share similar experiences and live with a mental illness.
Mental Health Network provides advocacy to individuals who live with a mental illness and their families. We support people in accessing services within their community.
We advocate at the systems level, ensuring that all persons who are affected by mental illness have a voice within our municipality and across the province.
We offer support to all family members who have a loved one that lives with a mental illness. We provide one to one support, education and advocacy. Providing an understanding of ones diagnosis and mental illness in general is an essential component of recovery.

Mental Health Rights Coalition

The Mental Health Rights Coalition of Hamilton is a non-profit organization funded by Ontario's Ministry of Health and Long Term Care as a Consumer/Survivor Initiative.

In this context, a consumer is a person who has a mental health issue.
A Consumer Survivor is a person who has been afflicted with a mental health issue and has learned to cope with that issue.
Consumer/Survivor Initiatives (CSIs) are consumer-driven agencies, which allow survivors to use their coping skills to help other consumers become survivors. Learn more about CSIs with the "CSI Builder Report" or Consumer Survivor Initiatives in Ontario: Building for an Equitable Future

Middlesex Peer Support Program

-Transitional Discharge Model at London Health Sciences and Parkwood Institute (operating remotely during the pandemic)
-Crisis Services
-Youth/Young Adult

Oak Centre

We are a community mental health program following the Clubhouse model. We offer comprehensive supports to people with serious mental health issues. These supports include employment, education, housing, entitlements, crisis intervention/prevention, social/recreational events and much more.

Oxford Peer Support Program

-Transitional Discharge Model at Woodstock General Hospital
-Outreach Peer Support to peers homeless or at risk of homelessness in communities of Woodstock, Tillsonburg, and Ingersoll
-Drop-in peer support opportunities for peer to peer connections in Woodstock

Peer Support Program/ Achieve Wellness and Recovery Centre

please see Associate Member submission

Phoenix Peer Support Centre

(same as previous application)

Self Help & Peer Support, CMHA Waterloo Wellington

Self Help & Peer Support offers a variety of drop-in and registered peer support and recovery learning groups to adults living in Waterloo Wellington regions who identify as living with a mental health and/or substance use issues. There is no intake and no wait list to join our drop in groups (some recovery learning groups have a wait). All groups are run by trained peer supporters with lived experience of the group topic. We offer daytime and evening groups, online and in-person at our three Recovery Learning Centres. See a schedule of our current group programs at

Self Help & Peer Support also offers:
- Spark of Brilliance workshops where participtines explore recovery through exrpessive arts activities
- Entreprenuership support to people iving iwth mental health/ substance use issues who wish to start or grow their own buisness
- Short-term indivdual peer support to
- A volunteer program that

Centre for Innovation in Peer Support @ Support House

Support House’s Centre for Innovation in Peer Support provides wellness-based, peer-led self-help and social recreation programming to community members; and support to organizations who have peer staff, through training in peer-support program implementation, capacity building, evaluation, research, knowledge brokerage, and quality improvement

CMHA Peel Dufferin

CMHA Peel Dufferin is a community based mental health and addiction agency offering a full range of services, from 24/7 Crisis Support and Street Helpline, case management programs, to groups and peer services. Peer workers are present throughout CMHA PD's programs and at different levels of the organization. Recovery West drop in program is entirely peer run and offers opportunities for peers to get involved in supporting others through groups and other program opportunities.

  • 601-7700 Hurontario St
    Brampton, ON L6Y 4M3
  • 905-451-2123
  • 1-877-451-2123

Community Connections - Canadian Mental Health Association York Region South Simcoe

Peer Support Workers play a crucial role across many programs in our organization. From leading drop-ins, to offering recovery oriented groups, to supporting more acute clients on 1-to-1 basis, our Peers are invaluable to the work we do. We are hopeful through membership with Peer Works that we can continue to support the growth, development, and success of our Peer Support Workers and Peer Support Specialists. We would like to have more involvement of Peers in delivering relevant programming, integrating Peer Workers across more of our programs, and supporting in the further training of our Peers.

Durham Mental Health Services - Lakeridge Health Corporation

The Peer Program at DMHS offers a wide range of supports. Peers are imbedded in ACT Teams, the Hospital to Home Program at Lakeridge Health, the Distress Centre of Durham and the DMHS Crisis Program. We also support community members with Day Programs in both Whitby and Ajax, offer daily groups on a wide range of wellness topics, WRAP and Mental Health First Aid. We also provide members with one on one support and advocacy. The Durham Mental Health Services Peer Program also has partnerships with a number of community agencies to provide programing to the wider community. V.A.S.E. (Voices Against Stigma Everywhere) is a group of speakers who have been supported to develop their public speaking skills, who are sought out by other community agencies and organizations to speak about their experience with mental health, substance use or supporting loved one who has struggled.

The staff working on the Peer Team are highly skilled, highly specialized individuals who are able to use their lived experience to inform their work in such a way as to inspire hope and confidence for individuals that things can be better than they are today. Wellness is possible and that each person has within themselves what they need to ensure that they can move forward toward their goals.

  • 519 Brock Street South
    Whitby, ON L1N 4K8
  • 905-666-0831
  • 1-855-888-3647

Friends &Advocates Peel

Friends & Advocates Peel is an adult mental health organization that specializes in social rehabilitation for individuals dealing with isolation due to their mental health challenges or illness. They provide social rec opportunities, where members come together and socialize with their peers in community settings. F&A also provides opportunities for training like our Leadership training - which trains our members and provides them with the skills to lead activities along side a staff member as well as Presentation Training - which allows members to learn how to present the organization in the community and again assist staff at presentation for example at the hospitals around the GTA. The Board of Directors is currently only made up of members from the organization and all committees are also made of you members and staff - Quality Improvement, Social and Leisure, PR and Health and Safety to name a few. The Consumer Survivor Network (CSN) has been apart of F&A for many years and as of March 2022 was revamped as a Peer Support program run by myself Lea Joseph. The Peer Support program focus on recovery topics and supports all those living with mental health challenges/illnesses, substance abuse and addictions challenges, by using the values of peer support create hope and education in a safe space. The CSN Peer Support program, provides 1on1 peer support over the phone, and peer support groups on zoom and in-person.

Krasman Centre

Incorporated in 1998, Krasman Centre is a Consumer/Survivor Initiative. We are led and run by People with Lived Experience of mental health and/or addictions, as well by family members. Our mission is, "to improve lives of people affected by mental health and/or addiction challenges through the provision of peer support programs". Our wide range of Peer Support programs include: 24/7 Warm Line and Peer Crisis Support Services, Safer Use Peer Support Line, Peer Support Drop-in Centres (physical Peer Support hubs), Family Support, Peer Support Outreach, Addictions-specialized Peer Support, Virtual groups, Application Support (ODSP/CPP Disability), Welcome Basket and Transitional Support Program, Peer Navigtor Program (hospital emergency departments), Peer Support training, Recovery Education (Eg. WRAP), Peer Support Community of Practice, Peer Support networking opportunities (eg. Lived Experience Advocates for Mental Health and Addictions).

Patient/Client & Family Council

We are a peer-led organization committed to using our personal experiences to improve Mental Health & Addiction services for individuals, and their families, through support, education and advocacy. We facilitate a variety of peer-led support and self-help groups and services, provide 1:1 Peer Support and transition services, and assist with system navigation and offer resources to assist those seeking support

Simcoe Peer Support for Mental Health and Addictions

Peer support for mental health and addictions

Mental Health Support Project

Mental Health Support Project (MHSP) is a mental health peer support and wellness drop in centre. We provide a welcoming and inclusive environment serving adults 18+ in finding resources, offering activities and providing social opportunities for people with mental health challenges. Our values are recovery based and member involvement is supported and valued.

By promoting and modeling a recovery based approach to living we offer hope, encouragement & the shared experience that everyone can build capacities to improve their quality of life.

You don't have to be alone! No referral is needed.

Peer Support Programs - Canadian Mental Health Association Haliburton Kawartha Pine Ridge Branch

The organizations mission statement is as follows; in partnership with clients, families and the community, we provide best practice services through education, advocacy, therapeutic supports and assistance with social determinants, to improve mental health recovery and quality of life. Within the umbrella of service delivery at our branch, we offer a number of peer led programs and services. Please visit our website for a full listing of our peer led programming.

  • 33 Lindsay Street South, 2nd Floor, Unit C
    Lindsay, ON K9V 2L9
  • (705) 328-2704 or 1 (888) 454-8875

Peer Support South East Ontario

We have three streams of service, Peer Support Centers, Community Peer Support and the Transitional Discharge Model, provided by individuals with lived experience. Our Staff are paid and unionized with SEIU.

Psychiatric Survivors of Ottawa

Peer-run community and hospital-based peer support. Peer support training, recovery education and social opportunities.

A-Way Express

A-Way express is a social enterprise courier company that provides supported employment for people with mental health or substance use challenges. Our organization is lead by peers - our couriers, drivers, dispatchers and customer service reps are peers, in addition to the majority of other office/management staff. Two peers have a seat on the Board of Directors and peers are responsible for new employee orientation and training.


We offer mental health and addiction programs and offer many community programs to reduce social isolation and build a community of peers. We have housed more than 2,500 people and served over 80,000 meals. We train participants in basic and transferable work skills and we employ them in part time casual jobs. We offer a comprehensive basket of services. After 40 years, we cover the entire GTA. We advocate and educate to address homelessness. We currently house 500 individuals, including 60 families. Our goal is to ensure that those most at risk of homelessness, never again face life on the streets. Each of our teams has a Mental Health Recovery worker and we also offer a daily drop in at our 805 Bloor Street location.

North York General Participants Council

NYG Participants Council is a peer council of current and past patients of the North York General hospital mental health program. We are run by peers and all participants have lived experience with mental heath and or addiction issues. The program provides advocacy for peers both in the hospital and with systemic issues. We provide recovery education programs planned and facilitated by peers. We also co run an annual art show in collaboration with the nygh mh department.

PARC (The Parkdale Activity - Recreation Centre Toronto)

Our peer involvement starts at the board - half of the 14 Directors are participant directors = people with lived experience who utilize our services and supports.
Peer workers are reflected throughout our organization: Supportive Housing, Community Access Program, Peer Shelter Outreach Program, Drop-in Centre, Case management, employment.

Working for Change

Working for Change is a grassroots Social Justice organization, built by community members to create our own solutions to poverty, stigma and various forms of marginalization. Rooted in the psychiatric survivor and mad pride movement, Working for Change believes strongly in the wisdom, value and skills of people with lived experience of mental health, addiction, homelessness, trauma, new comer/refugee challenges, and many other barriers. We are a survivor based organization that has a hiring mandate to only employ people with lived experience at every level of the organization - from the board to the front line. We run several training programs that support peers in accessing employment in various sectors. We also operate several social enterprises that offer stable, supportive work for people with lived experience. We have been a leader in Toronto based peer work for over 2 decades.